Richness, Parenting and ICT

Rhetoric Questions 

Parenting Role in Child's Bright Future

What is the Major Role of Parents in Child's Growth and Development.

 How do Parents Impacts on Child Developments.

How as a Parent or Guardian Contribute towards Brighter Future of their Child?


Parenting has  great impact on child Growth and Development. Many research on Parenting have been done. Based on these previous researches , parents or Guardians have great impact on child either positively or negatively.  However do you think Parents financial status impacts child's future life?

Our findings suggest that an important answer to the question ‘What can parents do to enhance the financial well-being of their children?’ is to provide children with adequate levels of parental love and nurturance,” he said. “Indeed, our findings suggest that the higher the level of love and nurturance that parents provide to their children, the better their children’s future financial health will be.”

According to his research, not only does parental love matter for the healthy psychological development of children and for the quality of their social life — but it also matters for their future financial discipline, and this is true cross-culturally. 

As Parents on this Digital era, how can we build our children Future Financially?

ICT as the Key for child brighter Future

ICT Innovations and Technological developments has greatly Impacted on the way we live in all aspects of life. It has impacted on Employment where new jobs are created, enhanced quality ofproduction in Industries , effective communication and better management of businesses . 

How do  ensure our younger children are well prepared for this Dynamic and demanding Future life?

The Solution is to Ensure our children have vast knowledge on ICT innovations and Invention and also Technological developments and advancement.

But how?

Ensure chicken have access to ICT Data Terminal Equipment's. Like Desktop computer, laptops, smart phones or Television.

Enroll our children on Coding Classes where they can learn Basics Coding or Programming skills.

All Parents will be happy if their child excel in his/her future life. Let invest in our children in successful fields. ICT Field is the most paying field which can grantees better future. For example,

Based on current Research on the World Richest people the year 2022.

Read more...ICT and Richness 

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