Showing posts with label The Rock To Success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Rock To Success. Show all posts

The Rock To Success in Life

The Rock To Success in Life!

Success in any venture is very delicate! You may be very hardworking, respectful self-dedicated towards your job, very reliable, very kind, very friendly and have huge vast knowledge in your area of Specialization. Unfortunately, few minutes or hours on leisure time can ruin miserably your bright future! If not utilized properly.

     It's during this leisure time when one could interact to the outside world from the normal Job routine! It's during this leisure time when one may join old Friends from High school or college. Your friend may force you indirect to indulge into a lifestyle you are not used to, Example As a youth, it's very easy for one to be introduced to different lifestyles like Taking alcohol, smoking weed, drugs and Substance Abuse like cocaine or taking Khat. If not, careful one may find himself or herself in drugs and Substance Abuse.

Drugs and Substance Abuse!

Drugs and Substance Abuse as the Destroyer of one's Bright Future

Drug Abuse: It is the chronic use of a drug for a reason other than for which it was intended. It is the bad use of a drug for example alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, heroin, mandrax and cocaine. 

Drug misuse: This using a drug for a reason other than its clinical purpose. When a person starts taking drugs regularly, the drugs produce tolerance, addiction, withdrawals and psychological dependence

What Is Substance Abuse?

Substance abuse isn't something you should take lightly. It occurs when you use alcohol, prescription medicine, and other legal and illegal substances too much or in the wrong way. Substance abuse differs from addiction. Many people with substance abuse problems are able to quit or can change their unhealthy behavior. Addiction, on the other hand, is a disease. It means you can’t stop using even when your condition causes you harm.

Causes of Drug Abuse: 

    Drug abuse has no single cause. It is important to examine and consider the different theories about possible causes of the problems. Peer influence is one of the causes of drug abuse among the youth in Kenya. Many youngsters are pulled into drugs by those they associate with. It is learned from those already involved in the practice. Bandura and Walter developed a „social learning theory‟ of personality which supports this fact. To them, this theory is based on the premise that behavior is learned, and personality can be explained in terms of cumulative effects of a series of learning experiences. 

Drugs and substance Abuse in Nairobi slum areas.

Drugs and substance Abuse in Mukuru Slums, Embakasi South Constituency in Nairobi Kenya. Most of the slum dwellers are low-income earners whose main source of income is through small businesses or casual laborers from the industrial companies. These industrial companies majorly target unskilled workers who are desperate for earnings something for their livelihood, thus they are poorly paid. Due to this strangling livelihood these laborers find themselves marrying their poor slum dwellers and establishing families. Conceptually they bare children’s and due to their casual terms of employments, they really strangle to raise up their children’s.

These children are raised under deplorable conditions where some of them suffers malnutrition and often infected by any outbreak of diseases due to lack of balanced diet. Under these conditions as they grow up and their interaction with the environment, they find themselves indulging into the slum kid’s kind of life.


read more on Drugs and Substance!