Showing posts with label Hacked Phone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacked Phone. Show all posts

Has my phone be Hacked?

 ICT as the Key

Using the Key!


How to know if your Phone has been Hacked

Currently,much developments in ICT innovations has been realized. The aspect of ICT been dynamic has seen much developments in all aspects of life. Unlike Ethical Hackers who are specialist in testing different systems from Companies, Government Institution and non governmental sectors with an aim of assisting these institution reinforce there system from being hacked or being accessed by intruders whom mostly have Ill intents. Unethical hackers usually opportunizes in changes in technology to invent or innovate more systems that is able to bypass Institutions Systems security ,hence posing security issues to the Institution hence Compromising of institution Integrity.  

It's through our institution,where we ensure all people have access to Relevant updated and trustworthy information on ICT innovations and Technological advancement for best daily Business and personal transactions. 

How to enhance Security of your data in your smart phones or Devices on Network ( When accessing materials from Internet)

It is absolutely wise to ensure effectiveness security in your phone . Nowadays important information can be stolen from your phone without your knowledge because of the settings you might have enabled.

Location technology settings is the key when it comes to phone tracking, it can enable someone retrieve documents legally or illegally. Though it is also useful when looking for a place for instance when you are new to the place.

The methods of location tracking include the following : GPS radio in your cellphone to pinpoint you location, the wireless signals and thirdly the WI-FI you at connected to approximate the current position you're in.

What to do when you suspect intruntion of your device.

1. Shut down your Device completely and remove the battery. This is the easiest though you cannot access any data from your device.If it will be necessary that you access a certain data using your phone , then you are advised to back back the information to PC before shutting down your phone

2.Disable the location settings.

On Android phones: go into settings, select location and then enter Google location settings. You can then disable location history and location reporting. Location reporting feeds other apps with your location data while location history stores the whereabouts of your location for future use. Tab of delete bar to do away with the location history.

Some Apps such as maps depend on having access location to work best.Disabling the location means denying your smartphone to perform it's other function.

3. Turn of GPS radio.

Turning of the location based settings will disable the GPS radio in your phone.

In some phones GPS can be deactivated by enbling the airplane mode.

These in turn prevents it from providing your phone's location.

4.Turn of cellular and the WI-FI radios on your phone.The easiest way to do this is by enabling the airplane mode on your phone. Neither cell radios or WI-FI therefore will connect to their respective networks.

All these will help in losing tracks of the intruders accessing your device , having disabled all devices tracking signals clear all cache memories and all logs and then backup your data in a different device.

Ensure you change all logins credentials from all mailing accounts and social media apps. Lastly, uninstall all suspecious installed application from your phone.

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